Archiv für Juli 2023

Exceptional women in science education? Émilie Du Châtelet and Maria Gaetana Agnesi


Data driven: Truckers, technology, and the new workplace surveillance


The regulation of international migration in the Cold War: a synthesis and review of the literature


Darkest forests and highest mountains: the witches’ sabbath and landscapes of fear in early modern demonologies


Rise, fall, and resurrection of educational technologies: the curious case of Decroly in Spain




Warum die antifaschistische Bewegung um ein Verbot der »Alternative für Deutschland« kämpfen muss und warum dies jetzt sofort erfolgen muss.

Der Beitrag Macht erschien zuerst auf der rechte rand.

Discursive Shifts in the German Right-Wing Newspaper Junge Freiheit 1997–2019: A Computational Approach


(Re)coordinating the German Political Economy: E-mobility and the Verkehrswende


“Gua means scrape”: a conversation analysis of identity construction and negotiation in polylogal Wikipedia paratext


Authentic context as educational object and green spaces as pedagogical environment: the approach to outdoor learning in the practice of Sreten Adžić (1856–1933)
