Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Sociohistorical analysis’

Hochschulzulassung, Neoliberalismus und das Zufällige

It will be demonstrated on the basis of deregulation of university admission in Germany that neoliberal inspired reforms can show characteristics of an ideology – if “ideology” is understood as the willingness to ignore historical experience, scientific results, expert opinions and common sense based on political and economic fundamental convictions. This even holds true for the universities’ conduct. It will also be questioned if random student admission could be a deliberate part of social engineering of admission procedures even only as a symbolic act of acknowledging limits in the rational administration of educational biographies and in the vindicatory policies of selection procedures.

Der Einfluss der deutschen Romantik auf den Historismus

The question about the beginning of history as a science, i.e. the transformation of historiography into historical research is close connected to the appearance of historism in the nineteenth century. In particular the attainment and the remarkable feat the German historian Leopold von Ranke achieved is generally recognized as a milestone in the history of science. All in all historism founded in 19th-century Germany as well as Rankes work is scarcely conceivable without the contributions of the writers associated with German Romanticism. The following article is an attempt to show the correlation between them.

Raum als limitierender Faktor für gesellschaftliche Entwicklung – Die besonderen räumlichen Herausforderungen an die Bürgergesellschaft und Verwaltung der Stadt Wörth am Rhein

Everyday life in human society is severely influenced by geographic settings, since individual and social ac-tivities as well as interactions unfold in specific places. They define the real space of a “Lebensraum”. The geographic or structural dissection of this space can hamper the evolvement of a civil public spirit – society then appears as dissected as the space. The city of Wörth am Rhein with four geographically completely separated municipal areas serves as an example for geographically complex urban spaces with the respective social, public and administrative challenges. The author provides an in depth analysis of the problem and shows possible approaches to overcome social dissection.

Historische Technikakzeptanz – als kontextualisierende Technikzukunftsforschung am Fallbeispiel der T1-Duplexklasse der Pennsylvania Railroad, 1942–1951

The essay presents the brief history of the last technological development of the steam age on US railroad tracks: the T1 duplex class of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 1942–1951. Referring to the methods of today’s technological assessment, the article is questioning a teleological interpretation of the last US passenger tratin steam locomotive as a failing innovation.

Dubai: Stadt der Attraktionen. „Image“-Bildung in Architektur und Stadtplanung

Similar to the warehouse in the 19th century the so called “consuming city” receives a building boom since the end of the 20th century. But its urban character is only virtual, because there are neither public or municipal buildings nor appartments. No one lives in this city, and every evening it is hermeticly closed until the morning. The design of every house is based on an expressive façade, influenced by historicism, and an indifferent building volume. This specific forming derives from Robert Venturi’s concept of a “decorated shed”, explained in his publication “Learning from Las Vegas” of 1972. The ability of postmodern architecture to communicate with the recipient was the reason to elect this architectural language. Finally the visitor of this city shall primary be encouraged to consume. Therefore the contemporary consuming city is an example of the continuity of postmodern architecture at the millennium, closely combined with the current idea of urban virtuality.

One Campus – Many Ways to Go?! A methodological comparison of paper-pencil and electronic logbooks when exploring students’ patterns of spatial use.

The following article is based on a lecture held at the ESA Conference ‘Innovating Qualitative Research: Challenges and Opportunities’ in Bayreuth on September the 22th 2010. Opening with the relevance of the logbook for social research alongside the example of the ‘My Campus’ project, methodic and methodological insights in the use of logbooks are presented. Operating with paper pencil logbook to observe students’ pat-terns of spatial use, the advantages and disadvantages of the logbook as a research instrument and the dif-ferences towards electronic logbooks are illustrated here. Further it is taken a closer look on aspects regarding the researcher as well as the user of this instrument to close with an outlook on its further development in social research.

„A few lies, but not many“. Randy Newman in search of America

The essay is close-reading selected songs by the singer-songwriter and film musician Randy Newman as social constructions of the American dream and the American reality since the 1930s.

Was ist eine Ethik ohne Subjekt?

The contemporary epoch of a knowledge society requires a new approach to understanding knowledge, which is different from what was basic during the modern era up to now. The foundation of knowledge can no longer be understood by assuming its ultimate origin in a rational subject. The implications of the new approach to knowledge have fundamental impact on ethics in the knowledge society.

Konsumtive Sozialität

In present pluralistic society consumptive sociality is one possibility of ‘re-embedding’ for individualised people. An as reciprocal assumed awareness of belonging arises from specific competencies and collective practices of consumption. The branded product is the connective element as it is realised as an emblem, icon and a symbol of sense. By that, products are a culture building force.

Pass it On – The Path is the Goal

Our history is infused with human movement – a phenomenon that has given rise to an imperative relationship between the subject, the environment, and the journeys that unfold while moving. Passing through space is therefore one of the oldest and most practiced forms of human movement. One of our great challenges, however, is the communication and documentation of that experience. This article explores the unfolding of place through the act of mapping by employing storytelling as a means of recording our movements.