Archiv für September 2012

Researching In-between Subjective Experience and Reality

In this article, we draw on LORENZER’s method in our analysis of a single case data extract derived from a research project generating data through the Tavistock Infant Observation tradition. The partial case analysis demonstrates our methodological ap…

Work Identity and Contradictory Experiences of Welfare Workers in a Life-history Perspective

Transformation of the welfare sectors challenge professional identities of care and welfare workers in Scandinavia. At the same time welfare and care workers take part in these changes and are changed in the psycho-social setting of the workplace. This…

Learning, Work, and Language Games

The article provides an example of psycho-societal analysis of work related learning. Initially a conceptual framework of learning and life experience is established drawing on Alfred LORENZER and Oskar NEGT, and the interactional development of psycho…

Deciphering Political Utopias. Unions, Female Night Work, and Gender Justice

The group discussion is a qualitative method perfectly suited for analyzing attitudes and opinions at the supra-individual level and tracing the process of how they emerge. Psychoanalytic group theories expand our understanding of group processes by ad…

Psychoanalysis, Socialization and Society—The Psychoanalytical Thought and Interpretation of Alfred Lorenzer

Alfred LORENZER belongs to those few psychoanalysts, who did understand psychoanalysis not only in clinical therapy, clinical thinking and research but also as a social science. In the perspective of LORENZER the individual fundamentally could not be t…

Socialization, Language, and Scenic Understanding. Alfred Lorenzer’s Contribution to a Psycho-societal Methodology

The article is a guided tour to Alfred LORENZER’s proposal for an „in-depth hermeneutic“ cultural analysis methodology which was launched in an environment with an almost complete split between social sciences and psychology/psychoanalysis. It presents…

The Societal Nature of Subjectivity: An Interdisciplinary Methodological Challenge

The thematic issue presents a psycho-societal approach to qualitative empirical research in several areas of everyday social life. It is an approach which integrates a theory of subjectivity and an interpretation methodology which integrates hermeneuti…

An Analysis of Ideological Speeches in Business Contexts: The Delegitimation and Defense of Renewable Energies

In this article I offer an analysis of professional speeches in a business context in which ideological proposals of an economic nature are defended, in particular, several speeches in which the Spanish Association of Renewable Energy Producers (APPA) …

Looking for Children’s Experiences in Movement: The Role of the Body in "Videographic Participation"

The focus of this article is to give insights into how videography and phenomenological philosophy and methods (GENDLIN, 1997; TODRES, 2007; SHEETS-JOHNSTONE, 1999; VAN MANEN, 1990) are used in combination to explore how embodied learning as a phenomen…

Inner and Outer Life at Work. The Roots and Horizon of Psychoanalytically Informed Work Life Research

The modern labour market has increasingly put the inner working life on the agenda. This stems from a number of societal changes: the knowledge society and its need of personalised competences and work investments in welfare services, the transformatio…