Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Issue: 4’

Issue 4 | Focus – De-Westernizing Morocco: Pre-Migration Colonial History and the …

The article presents and analyzes the self-representing narrative strategies through which westernized Jewish immigrants from Tangier (Morocco) de-westernize their personal pre-migration colonial history in the context of the ethnic conflict …

Issue 4 | Focus – Sharing and Unsharing Memories. …

As a massive exodus drained the Jewish communities from Muslim-Arab countries, starting just after World War II a large number of them migrated in cosmopolitan Montréal. This paper offers a new perspective on their displacement, inquir…

Issue 4 | Focus – The Memory of North African Jews in the Diaspora

In the following contribution, I will approach in three steps the construction of memory by North-African Jews in the Diaspora. I will first trace the history and historiography of Jews in Arab countries and point out their characteristics. T…

Issue 4 | Focus – Shared Memories and Oblivion: Is Israeli Jews’ Nostalgia for Morocco Shared …

In this article1 we debate whether nostalgia for an idyllic past such as that left in the memory of Israeli Jews of Moroccan origin, a past denied by official Jewish narrative and now re-surfacing in the creativity of second generations, is s…

Issue 4 | Focus – Memories, Myths and Representations of a Contested Land

Israel and Palestine, over the course of their historical conflict, have created a complex patchwork of memory narratives dealing with different representations of the same landscape. The article examines how the two peoples have elaborated t…

Issue 4 | Focus – Space of Transit, Place of Memory: Ma’abarah and Literary Landscapes of …


 The Sifrut ha-ma’abarah (transit camp literature) represents a narrative space where contemporary Israeli authors of Middle Eastern origin tell the stories forgotten, considered insignificant, and often repressed of the “oriental Jews” (Mizraim),1 who emigrated to Israel from North Africa and the Middle East during the…

Issue 4 | Focus – Sharing and Unsharing Memories of Jews of Moroccan Origin in Montréal and …

This text 1 explores the memories of Moroccan Jews who left their country of origin to go to France and to Canada, through their life stories. By questioning the constitution of a shared memory and of a group memory, it stresses th…

Issue 4 | Focus – Moses and Faruq. The Jews and the Study of History in Interwar Egypt 1920s-1940s

It is often argued that Egyptian Jews did not participate much in the cultural and political life of monarchical Egypt1. Even though this is partly true in comparison to other Jews in the Middle East such as the Iraqis, one should not f…

Issue 4 | Focus – Contested Narratives: Contemporary Debates on Mohammed V and the Moroccan …

This paper1 examines current debates on the fate of Moroccan Jews under the Vichy regime and the attitude of the sultan towards his Jewish subjects. Due to wide-ranging contributions by the media and via the internet, these debates are not co…

Issue 4 | Memory and Forgetting among Jews from the Arab-Muslim Countries. …

“Zouzef Tayayou has left Nedroma (Algeria). He did, however, hold on for a long time, like a child who refuses to be weaned and separated from his mother. In the end, he gave in, following the footsteps of the numerous others …