Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Garden city’

Garden City of Tel Aviv

A paper is based on the presentation for Artificial Natures Symposium held by Ideal Spaces Working Group in Venice 2018. Introducing one of the ‚Worlds‘ of the Ideal Spaces project – the idealized “White Garden City of Tel Aviv,” the paper outlines the linkages between the planned geometry and the intended exemplary successful City of modernized Hebrew culture; the dreams of its prominent planners; the urban, landscape, and architectural solutions, developed to perfect the functional and aesthetic qualities of the inhabited environment of the ‚old-new land‘.

Innovation Superblock

The city of Tel Aviv was planned as a Garden City, with the aim to create a new life for Immigrants of the Diaspora. This Urban master plan set the base for the UNESCO declaration of Tel Aviv as a world heritage site. This short article will examine how the Utopian idea of the Garden plan implemented and where in stands today.

Tel Aviv. Tracing the Ideal City dream

In descriptions of Tel Aviv often occur reflections about the ideal “first Hebrew city”. A gap between real Tel Aviv and its visionary model is a commonplace. Nevertheless, links between them are plentiful, although they are discussed either with irony or with pathos. The paper gives a cursory review of some of such links.