Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Focus: Global Currents in National Histories of Science: The “Global Turn” and the History of Science in Latin America’

Beyond Prejudice and Pride: The Human Sciences in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Latin America

Julia Rodriguez

Isis, Volume 104, Issue 4, Page 807-817, December 2013.

Between the National and the Universal: Natural History Networks in Latin America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

Regina Horta Duarte

Isis, Volume 104, Issue 4, Page 777-787, December 2013.


Stuart McCook

Isis, Volume 104, Issue 4, Page 773-776, December 2013.

Globalizing the History of Disease, Medicine, and Public Health in Latin America

Mariola Espinosa

Isis, Volume 104, Issue 4, Page 798-806, December 2013.

Islands of Knowledge: Science and Agriculture in the History of Latin America and the Caribbean

Leida Fernández Prieto

Isis, Volume 104, Issue 4, Page 788-797, December 2013.