Archiv für die Kategorie ‘Evolution’

Der Einfluss der deutschen Romantik auf den Historismus

The question about the beginning of history as a science, i.e. the transformation of historiography into historical research is close connected to the appearance of historism in the nineteenth century. In particular the attainment and the remarkable feat the German historian Leopold von Ranke achieved is generally recognized as a milestone in the history of science. All in all historism founded in 19th-century Germany as well as Rankes work is scarcely conceivable without the contributions of the writers associated with German Romanticism. The following article is an attempt to show the correlation between them.

An Uwe Japp. Reminiszenzen – nicht frei von Melancholie

Hans-Peter Schütt, valedictory on his KIT collegue Uwe Japp, 7/17/2013.

Wie Nachhaltigkeit tatsächlich funktioniert(e). Das Siegerländer Montanrevier und sein System einer nachhaltigen Energiewirtschaft: Zu den Strukturelementen und Implikationen eines Sustainable developments vom Spätmittelalter bis ins frühe 19. Jahrhundert

Authors Rolf-Jürgen Gleitsmann Institut für Geschichte/Technikgeschichte, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, E-Mail: Fulltext Abstract English The age of industrial modernity is facing an existential crisis. The basis of its existence is threatened. Industrial production, based on the principle of division of labour, mass consumption and a structurally vital economic growth have passed the carrying capacity […]

Über die allmähliche Verfestigung der Gedanken beim Drücken von Tasten

In the Western post-industrial societies, the individual experience is heavily shaped by the day-to-day contact with information and communication technologies. This article argues that everyday experience based on the use of communication technologies leads to a specific adaptation of the human consciousness to the technical environment. The question is discussed, what is the impact of this process on human consciousness.

Ein persönlicher Nachruf auf Imanuel Geiss (1931–2012)

The historian Imanuel Geiss who died in Bremen on February 20 at age 81 was one of the few internationally renowned representatives of German historic teaching. His works about WW I, he history of racism, but especially his Encycplopedia of Global History “Geschichte griffbereit” (1979ff.) will be rememberd as milestones of .scholarship.