Archiv für Juli 2022

The birth of Soviet workers-dissidents


Strikers versus scabs: violence in the 1910-1914 British labour revolt


Investigating the 1981 Massacre in Iran: On the Law-Constituting Force of Violence


The social nature of New Education: an affiliation network analysis of the movement’s evolution, 1875–1935


Letter from the editors

Volume 35, Issue 3, June 2022, Page 265-266.

Social inclusivity for children with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities: development of a 1950s school community programme


Pox and parents: educational choices in the light of smallpox epidemics in seventeenth-century England




Diligent and docile workers: descriptions of the working poor and the social order in the Läsebok för folkskolan, 1868–1920s


Putting Reproductive Violence on the Agenda: A Case Study of the Yazidis
