History Marketing online – DAX meets History

As part of marketing strategies, multinational corporations do not forego staging their history. It is permanently available on the company's own websites as an individual unique selling proposition.

The post History Marketing online – DAX meets History appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/6-2018-13/dax-meets-history/


Can Architecture Embody Good and Evil?

Architecture doesn't in themselves represent specific worldviews. The immanent significance of stones, bricks and mortar is regarded as being negligible to nonexistent. Public History and bricks.

The post Can Architecture Embody Good and Evil? appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/5-2017-36/can-architecture-embody-good-and-evil/


Fake History and the Outlet Village

Outlet villages create synthetic town centres for marketing purposes. From the perspective of tourists, it seems that there is only a marginal difference between such outlet villages and genuine historical towns.

The post Fake History and the Outlet Village appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/5-2017-14/fake-history-and-the-outlet-village/


Antiques Shows on TV – History as a Commodity


with Hannes Burkhardt


TV Shows, in denen Privatpersonen eigene historische Objekte von ExpertInnen begutachten und bewerten lassen, um sie anschließend zum Verkauf anzubieten, erleben derzeit einen Hype. Der Zuschauer wird dabei Zeuge, wie in einer ritualisierten Dramaturgie über den Wert von Gegenständen aus der Vergangenheit befunden wird. Aber über welche Werte wird hier eigentlich in welcher Weise verhandelt?


Trödelshows international

Die Idee, Trödel und Antikes im Fernsehen zu präsentieren, ist dabei nicht neu. Schon seit Ende der 1970er Jahre existieren international verschiedene erfolgreiche Formate, wie z.


Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/4-2016-24/antiques-shows-television-history-commodity/


History Teaching in the Film and Holocaust Education



School as the subject of a movie – there are numerous films, ranging from comedies to social dramas, about school, teacher-student relationships, committed and unsuccessful teachers and their teaching methods. The French film ‘Les héritiers’ (English title: Once in a Life Time) came to German cinemas in autumn 2015. It tells the story of a committed history teacher who tries to create unity within a class of notoriously difficult students by entering them in a history competition. A fairy tale about history teaching methods? And, what does that have to do with Holocaust Education?




Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/4-2016-2/history-teaching-in-film/


Back to the Cold War: Museumised Bunker Installations

Underworlds have become tourist magnets. Underground nuclear bunkers from the Cold War also fall into this category. Whether they are in Germany, Canada, Denmark … They are unique sites of contemporary history.



Underworlds have become tourist magnets. Underground nuclear bunkers from the Cold War also fall into this category. Whether they are in Germany, Canada, Denmark, the former Soviet Union, the Czech Republic, England or Albania, 25 years after the end of the Cold War the number of bunkers turned into museums and used for tourism is continuously increasing. They are unique sites of contemporary history.


Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/3-2015-22/back-to-the-cold-war-museumised-bunker-installations/
