Program of the international colloquium, 10–11 June 2013, Paris. Organisation: Mareike König (IHA), Georgios Chatzoudis (Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung), in cooperation with Pierre Mounier (Cleo).
At this year’s conference, attended by experts from across the globe, the thematic focus will be on the effects current changes in the digital world are having on research conditions and in particular on the question as to the consequences this could have for the next generation in the humanities. The discussions will focus on the following themes: Education and careers, recognition of academic achievements, quality assurance and evaluation, and new digital forms of science.
Monday, 10th June 2013
15.00–17.00 Workshop: Blogparade, chat, hangout and co. Or: How the colloquium was prepared
18.00 Introduction: Mareike König, Pierre Mounier, Georgios Chatzoudis
18.15 Keynote Lecture: Christian Jacob (ANHIMA/EHESS): »Qu’est-ce que chercher?«
Lecture in French with simultaneous translation in English
In his opening lecture Christian Jacob will ask questions about the nature
of research work, its instruments, and its current metamorphose.
Tuesday, 11th June 2013
9.15 Welcome
9.30–11.00 Panel 1: Which Changes are Currently Taking Place in our Research and Academic Culture?
Panel prepared by Aurélien Berra, André Donk, Marten Düring, Sebastian Gießmann
= to the text of the working group : Which changes are currently taking place in our research and academic culture?
Dominique Bouiller, Centre d’études européennes de Sciences Po
Arianna Ciula, Independent Scholar
11.30–13.00 Panel 2: University Education: Which New Abilities/Skills Have now Become Essential?
Panel prepared by Franziska Heimburger, Michael Schmalenstroer, Bertram Triebel
= to the text of the working group : Training for the Digital Humanities – what skills are necessary, how can they be transmitted?
Malte Rehbein, University of Passau
Jean-Michel Salaün, Collegium de Lyon
13.00-14.00 Pause
14.00–15.30 Panel 3: Evaluation and Quality Assurance in the Digital Humanities.
Panel prepared by Lilian Landes, Sascha Foerster, Bertram Triebel
= to the text of the working group: Evaluation and Quality Control in the Digital Humanities
Milena Žic-Fuchs, European Science Foundation
Denise Pumain, P.A.R.I.S.
16.00–17.30 Panel 4: Career, Financing and the Academic Recognition of Achievements in the Digital Humanities.
Panel prepared by Anne Baillot, Natalia Filatkina, Anika Meier
= to the text of the working group: Career, Financing and the Academic Recognition of Achievements in the Digital Humanities
Claudine Moulin, University of Trier
Pascal Arnaud, Agence nationale de la recherche
18.00 Conclusion and writing of the Manifesto: Mareike König, Pierre Mounier, Georgios Chatzoudis
Languages will be French and English with simultaneous translation in both languages.
We will try to set up a livestreaming of the event. Please follow hashtag #dhiha5 on Twitter.
Address: Institut historique allemand
8, rue du Parc-Royal
75003 Paris
Program (pdf) on slideshare:
Further information: