From Source to Document

The bilingual (German/English) online source edition “Key Documents of German-Jewish History” (, which is published by the Institute for the History of German Jews (IGdJ) in Hamburg (, uses primary sources, so-called key documents, to highlight central aspects of Hamburg’s rich and multifaceted Jewish past from the early modern period to the present. The project currently includes seventy-five sources with new materials being added on a regular basis. The project focuses on Hamburg but is outward- rather than inward-looking. Put differently, the project uses the city as a case study to examine topics and trends whose significance is not just local but also national, transnational, and even global. Generally speaking, the “key” sources featured in the project are meant to “open doors” to understanding larger developments and issues in (German-) Jewish history.




Zu mittelalterlichen Wappenbesserungen und neuen Ansätzen in der Heraldik. Vortrag und Interview mit Laurent Hablot (Poitiers) an der Universität Münster

Am 20. Januar sprach Laurent Hablot (Poitiers) in der französischsprachigen Vortragsreihe “La jeune génération des médiévistes français invitée à Münster” am Historischen Seminar der Universität Münster über Devisen und Wappenbesserungen im Spätmittelalter. Wie immer bei dieser Vortragsreihe, gibt es zum … Continue reading

