We are happy to announce a new shared task on Speaker Attribution in German, as part of the GermEval Campaign, co-located with the Conference for Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2023) in Ingolstadt, Germany, in Sep 2023. The goal of this shared task is the identification of speakers in political debates and in news articles, and the attribution of speech events to their respective speakers. Being able to identify this information automatically, i.e., identifying who says what to whom, is a necessary prerequisite for a deep semantic analysis of unstructured text. For more information about the shared task, including the task settings, datasets, evaluation metrics and link to the registration form, please visit the shared task website on CodaLab.
Important dates:April 1, 2023 - Training and development data release
June 15, 2023 - Test data release (blind)
July 1, 2023 - Submissions open
July 31, 2023 - Submissions close
August 14, 2023 - System descriptions due
September 7, 2023 - Camera-ready system paper deadline
September 18-22, 2023 - Workshop at KONVENS 2023
Organising Team: Ines Rehbein, Simone Ponzetto (U-Mannheim) Fynn Petersen-Frey, Chris Biemann (U-Hamburg) Josef Ruppenhofer, Annelen Brunner (IDS Mannheim) Contacts: fynn.petersen-frey@uni-hamburg.de, rehbein@uni-mannheim.de
Quelle: https://dhd-blog.org/?p=19010