Roscher’s Lexikon of Mythology as Linked Open Data: Starting a Project on FactGrid

In the age of Linked Open Data, the humanities have increasingly turned their attention from the mere collection of data to its modelling with ontologies and data models. In the field of Greek mythology, these approaches have started in very recent times. Alongside (or undothe creation of new databases like MANTO [1], Mythoskop [2], [3] and ToposText [4] (to name but a few), at least three attempts have been made to create an ontology for Greek mythology. In 2018, C. Syamili and R. V. Rekha outlined an ontology for mythical heroes with reference to Wikipedia and the Theoi project [5]. From a classicist’s point of view, R. Scott Smith of the MythLab team has written a series of blogposts with great scholarly detail, which not only address the modelling of mythical characters but also of events, objects and locations [6].




CfP: Spatial Humanities 2024, Conference Bamberg

Call for Papers

Spatial Humanities 2024

Bamberg University, Germany, 25th–27th Sept 2024

We are delighted to announce that the 5th Spatial Humanities conference will be held in Bamberg on September 25th to 27th 2024.

Abstract submission deadline: 15th Feb 2024

Spatial Humanities 2024 welcomes submissions on all aspects of using geospatial technologies in humanities research, methodological innovations, and applied research that develops our understanding of the geographies of the past.


