A 3 minute video introduction to the TAPAS Project, a service that will provide a basic hosting infrastructure for those encoding their texts using the TEI standard. (Quelle: YouTube http://youtu.be/tJRwZK1Q-3E)
Get an under the hood look at the next frontier in Search, from the team at Google behind the technology. The Knowledge Graph is a huge collection of the people, places and things in the world and how they’re connected to one another. With this technology, Google can get you the best possible answers and help jump start your discovery. (Quelle: http://youtu.be/mmQl6VGvX-c)
Seit Ende 2012 ist die Datenbank für Deutschland freigeschaltet, Anfang des Jahres wurde sie stärker mit der Google-Suche verknüpft.
Tür 16 eröffnet einen Blick über den großen Teich, genauer nach Baltimore, Maryland an die Johns Hopkins University, wo die Bibliothek als Infrasturktureinrichtung mit einem neuen Bibliothekskonzept Forschende und Studierende der Digital Humanities zu unterstützen versucht.
Winston Tabb, the Sheridan Dean of University Libraries and Museums, shares information about the new Johns Hopkins University center for the digital humanities, the Athenaeum. The name alludes to history, but this initiative embraces the future, helping foster a community of scholars, crossing disciplines, and sharing knowledge with the world. (Quelle: http://youtu.be/0H7Uxt-5cxg)
Allen die von den Beiträgen zu Open Data und Linked Open Data der letzten Woche nun so inspiriert sind, dass sie selbst ihre Daten frei zur Verfügung zu stellen möchten, erklärt der lustig gezeichntete Clip “Open Data Licensing Animation” von OERIPR Support in acht Schritten, wie es geht:
Der Beitrag zum dritten Advent schlägt sanfte Töne an – The Virtual Chopin, ein Projekt an der University of Cambridge zeigt ein Beispiel für Digital Humanities aus der Musikwissenschaft.
Fryderyk Chopin is one of the most enduring composers of all time, universally celebrated for the originality and expressive power of his music. But Chopin is as frustrating as he is fascinating, because he rarely left behind just one version of his works. More often, there are three, four or more versions — any number of which might be an authoritative representation of how he wanted the piece to sound. Listeners, performers and researchers alike may find this liberating as well as bewildering because there are so many options from which to choose.
John Rink, Professor of Musical Performance Studies at the University of Cambridge, is director of a project that is transforming the way in which we understand Chopin’s work by bringing this compositional cornucopia together in one place. Launched in 2005 with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Online Chopin Variorum Edition will eventually provide digital images of all the available primary sources of Chopin’s music — including sketches, complete manuscripts, first editions and later impressions. Thousands of pages from these documents are already available, and the entire site is free of charge. Users anywhere in the world can explore, compare and combine elements from the composer’s music, comment on it as they go, and ultimately construct their own version of the Chopin work to an extent that has never before been possible.
In this film John Rink explains why Chopin’s music retains such a hold on us. Referring to the composer’s boundless genius, he describes the sources and provides examples of interesting and revelatory changes of mind on Chopin’s part. His demonstrations on a Pleyel “pianino” from 1846 are accompanied by images of manuscripts and editions alike, along with action shots of the OCVE website.
Nach dem Clip des County of Grande Prairie No. 1 zu Open Data / Open Government am Dienstag macht Tür Nummer 12 heute weiter mit dem Thema Linked Open Data.
Das Video, ein Fundstück auf dem EuropeanaEU’s channel, zeigt die Funktionsweise von Linked Open Data “und warum es ist eine gute Sache, sowohl für Nutzer als auch für Data Provider” ist. (Quelle: YouTube http://youtu.be/I17KxXVCrvw)
From the discovery of 3,000 Walt Whitman documents in the National Archives, to an interdisciplinary look at Washington during the Civil War, UNL is leading efforts to integrate data with interactive online resources. (Quelle: YouTube http://youtu.be/qcUOWeMklMc)
Die Tour durch die DH-Clip-Welt auf YouTube führt heute an die Uni Heidelberg, genauer gesagt zum Cluster Asia Europe, an dem Dr. Armin Volkmann die Nachwuchsgruppe “Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural heritage” leitet. Der Archäologe nimmt seine Zuschauer mit an seinen Arbeitsplatz ins Gelände und an den Computer:
The spectrum of the young discipline of digital humanities ranges from corpus linguistics through computer philology to applied computer sciences. This film introduces Dr. Armin Volkmann who leads a junior research group on Digital Humanities with focus on “Archaeological Information Systems” and “Digital Cultural heritage”. The group is establishing a body of knowledge for digital methods and standards in the humanities. It is located at Heilberg University and part of the University’s Field of Focus 3, the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing and the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe”. (Quelle: http://youtu.be/VUD5dJLcBXI)
Open Data is a powerful, innovative concept that allows easy acces of information to citizens in order to build better workforces, better communities and a better society. (Quelle: YouTube http://youtu.be/PzWpcVzuwV0)
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