Historical Culture and Popular Culture

Historical and popular culture play an important role in our understanding of the past and in the ways in which we remember and use it.

The post Historical Culture and Popular Culture appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/11-2023-6/historical-popular-culture/


Aesthetics and/as Public History: Entanglements

Artistic-aesthetic forms of expression and history in the public sphere are more or less interlinked in more or less obvious ways.

The post Aesthetics and/as Public History: Entanglements appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/10-2022-6/aesthetics-public-history/


Are Public Historians “Missionaries”?

‘Participation’ is something of a contemporary buzzword. Attuning oneself as closely as possible to the interests and needs of the general public is considered the golden path to success.

The post Are Public Historians “Missionaries”? appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/7-2019-2/shared-authority/


Debating Clubs as a Method of Historical Learning

Especially when it comes to historical reasoning and the formation of historical judgements, there are good reasons for us to assume that the ability to debate is ... a democratic key qualification.

The post Debating Clubs as a Method of Historical Learning appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/6-2018-7/debating-clubs-as-a-method-of-historical-learning/


Do we need “Dark Public History“?

What does the boom of Dark Tourism mean for public historians and why don't conventional labels such as Dissonant Heritage and Thanatourism include the term Dark Public History?

The post Do we need “Dark Public History“? appeared first on Public History Weekly.

Quelle: https://public-history-weekly.degruyter.com/5-2017-11/do-we-need-dark-public-history/


Successful Public History – A Question of Empirical Evidence?


Eine der vielfältigen Aufgaben der Public History ist es, das reichhaltige Angebot geschichtsvermittelnder Produkte in der Öffentlichkeit forschend zu analysieren. Dieses Ziel geht mit dem Anspruch einher, die Vermittlung nicht als eine Einbahnstraße aufzufassen, sondern als wechselseitigen Prozess zu verstehen, der verschiedene Beteiligte miteinschließt und auf kritische Reflexion, Erweiterung des Wissens und Präzisierung von Methoden angelegt ist. Die Frage, ob der Erfolg einer so verstandenen Public History messbar ist, ist bisher selten gestellt worden – nicht zuletzt wegen fehlenden Datenmaterials.



Messung öffentlicher Teilhabe

Der wechselseitige Prozess von Produktion, Vermittlung und Rezeption lässt sich sowohl mit Ansätzen einer “shared authority“ als auch einer “shared inquiry“ beschreiben. Der Prozess verweist zudem auf die vorhandene große Schnittmenge zwischen Ansätzen, die bisher entweder in der Public History oder der Angewandten Geschichte verortet wurden.[1] Nicht nur aus Sicht der Public History stellt sich hier aber die Frage, wie der Kontakt mit dem Publikum bzw. der Öffentlichkeit überhaupt hergestellt wird und alle Beteiligten aktiv in den Prozess miteinbezogen werden können.


Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/4-2016-18/successful-public-history-evidence/


Who We Are: Public Historians as Multiple Personalities?


There is no doubt that, since its inception in the United States, public history has been increasingly professionalized internationally as an academic teaching and research discipline. At German universities, however, its status is still fuzzy. Although it is growing deeper institutional roots as more and more positions are devoted to it, it is too early to tell how far this trend will propel it toward becoming an established part of historical studies. One occasionally discussed, but not yet adequately clarified aspect in this context, is the identity of the players involved: who exactly belongs to the group of public historians?



The Birth of a Discipline?

Especially during the last five years, the U.


Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/3-2015-36/public-historians-multiple-personalities/
