The DARIAH Theme is a bi-annual area of focus for investment by the DARIAH Board of Directors. For 2020, we have selected two streams of funding ‘Arts Exchanges’ and ‘Arts, Humanities and COVID-19’ as our fifth theme.
Theme 1: DARIAH Arts Exchanges
With this call, we would like to explore what the current DARIAH knowledge base has to offer arts practitioners researchers, encourage institutional and organisational DARIAH partners within local and national DARIAH nodes to embark on collaborative projects with artists and grow our understanding of the infrastructural requirements of this community with regards to the technologies they use.
The most common format for such an engagement would be the artistic residency but we also welcome other models in the scheme, which may include arts-led events, user needs assessment exercises and engagements, and/or small scale commissions to artists, so long as the focus on mutual learning, infrastructure, and the DARIAH network and assets presents a clear central added value for the project.
Artists and creators from any field and in any medium or professional role are welcome to participate in these applications with one or more DARIAH national network members. We therefore invite members of the DARIAH community interested in exploring how the arts can help them to communicate, envigorate or expand their work to submit proposals for this scheme.
Quelle: https://dhd-blog.org/?p=14188