Workshop: Transgenerational Corpographies of Memory

As part of the Images of History in Contemporary Art research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in Bern, the workshop Transgenerational Corpographies of Memory will take place:

November 18, 2021, 2:30–6:30 pm
November 19, 2021, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam (ZZF)
Am Neuen Markt 9d
14467 Potsdam


Transgenerational Corpographies of Memory is a visual art and history workshop that uses two audio-visual artistic works as a departure point to explore the dimensions and trajectories of transgenerational memory within the medium of artistic film. The workshop consists of two parts: the film screenings and the discursive program. The underlying works stage female biographies of the 20th and early 21st century based on two women’s self-narrated memories. The workshop structure is triadic, meaning that the works will be analyzed from an artistic, art historical and historical perspective in a complementary way. The aim of this transdisciplinary investigation is to explore transgenerational cultural memory work in contemporary art via pictorial “close readings.” The central questions are: How can we grasp the connection between history, transgenerational memories and artistic images of history?




Workshop: Transgenerationale Korpografien der Erinnerung

Workshop: Transgenerationale Korpografien der Erinnerung

Im Rahmen des vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds in Bern geförderten Forschungsprojektes Geschichtsbilder in der Gegenwartskunst findet der Workshop Transgenerationale Korpografien der Erinnerung statt:


18. November 2021, 14:30–18:30 Uhr
19. November 2021, 9:00–17:00 Uhr


Leibniz-Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam (ZZF)
Am Neuen Markt 9d
14467 Potsdam

Transgenerationale Korpografien der Erinnerung ist ein Workshop zur bildenden Kunst und Geschichte, der von zwei audiovisuellen künstlerischen Arbeiten ausgeht, um die Dimensionen und Wege der transgenerationalen Erinnerung im Medium des künstlerischen Films zu erkunden. Der Workshop besteht aus zwei Teilen: den Filmvorführungen und einem diskursiven Programm. Die zugrundeliegenden Arbeiten inszenieren weibliche Biografien des 20.




Picturing Violence: From Bosnia to Syria

Picturing Violence: From Bosnia to Syria

Andree Kaiser, Syria © by courtesy of Screenshot Website: Andree Kaiser „Syrien ein Land am Abgrund“

The camera protects me as a photographer. It creates a shelter between emotional situations and me. (Andree Kaiser)


Andree Kaiser (*1964) was trained as a photographer in Pankow, a district in East Berlin. He served a prison sentence in various detention centers of the State Security Service, commonly known as the Stasi, for his attempt to flee German Democratic Republic (DDR). Kaiser got out in 1986 as part of a prisoner release. He started his photojournalism career at Reuters in 1988 and afterward joined several agencies, which resulted in several assignments with travels to eastern European countries. Between 1991 and 1993 he conducted several reportages in Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia for Newsday (New York).


