SSH Open Marketplace: Testers Wanted


SSHOC is looking for SSH researchers willing to test the alpha release of the SSH Open Marketplace and report back on their experience at a dedicated workshop to be held during the ICTeSSH 2020 virtual conference.

What’s in it for you?

  1. You will be granted privileged access to the not-yet- launched SSH Open Marketplace. A week prior to the workshop, you’ll be asked to test the platform and services on the basis of a set of predefined questions. 
  2. During the workshop you’ll have the opportunity to share your findings in a round table discussion


We’re looking for a maximum of four researchers from different SSH disciplines – see criteria below.




SSH Open Marketplace: How and When Can You Contribute?

For more than a year now, DARIAH has been leading the creation of the SSH Open Marketplace, a first-class research environment offering tools, services, training materials, research papers and other useful resources for digital researchers, particularly those working in the social sciences and humanities. If you missed the first development steps, this interview will be helpful. To ensure the SSH Open Marketplace matches the requirements of its users – i.e. you: researchers, students, librarians, data stewards, and IT professionals, we try to involve you wherever possible. In this post we describe our participatory design approach, share our timeline, and explain how you can participate in the development.

If you’d like to participate in one of the opportunities outlined below, please email us at 




Research data in the Social Sciences and Humanities: FAIR principles and user feedback on the SSH Open Marketplace, January 30th 2020, Göttingen

Being FAIR: A joint workshop effort of CO-OPERAS and SSHOC

CO-OPERAS ( and SSHOC ( share a similar task: supporting researchers in the social sciences and humanities to integrate their work and results according to the FAIR principles. To this end, SSHOC and CO-OPERAS organised a joint workshop revolving around FAIR principles for research data in the SSH on the one hand and the development of the SSH Open Marketplace on the other. They asked participants to talk about their needs and experiences with the FAIR principles in their own research realities and then, not independently from this discussion, to give feedback about the conception of the SSHOC Open Marketplace. The idea of organizing a series of workshops in small  local settings and in native languages – in this case in German – in order to anchor and align the FAIR principles with individual research practices was coming from the CO-OPERAS GO-FAIR Implementation Network. Already followed by a series of events in Italy (Turin), Portugal (Coimbra), and France (Marseilles), the concept has been proven in Göttingen as well: the uptake of the workshop was, with 28 participants from across the whole country, very good. The German language approach considerably lowered the threshold to give feedback and formulate own ideas.




Research data in the Social Sciences and Humanities: FAIR principles and user feedback on the SSH Open Marketplace, January 30th 2020, Göttingen

Being FAIR: A joint workshop effort of CO-OPERAS and SSHOC

CO-OPERAS ( and SSHOC ( share a similar task: supporting researchers in the social sciences and humanities to integrate their work and results according to the FAIR principles. To this end, SSHOC and CO-OPERAS organised a joint workshop revolving around FAIR principles for research data in the SSH on the one hand and the development of the SSH Open Marketplace on the other. They asked participants to talk about their needs and experiences with the FAIR principles in their own research realities and then, not independently from this discussion, to give feedback about the conception of the SSHOC Open Marketplace. The idea of organizing a series of workshops in small  local settings and in native languages – in this case in German – in order to anchor and align the FAIR principles with individual research practices was coming from the CO-OPERAS GO-FAIR Implementation Network. Already followed by a series of events in Italy (Turin), Portugal (Coimbra), and France (Marseilles), the concept has been proven in Göttingen as well: the uptake of the workshop was, with 28 participants from across the whole country, very good. The German language approach considerably lowered the threshold to give feedback and formulate own ideas.




Workshop: Forschungsdaten und FAIR-Prinzipien in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

30. Januar 2020, 9-11 Uhr, Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (Historisches Gebäude, Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen)

Wie gehe ich mit meinen Forschungsdaten um? Welche Informationen, Werkzeuge oder Ressourcen benötige ich als ForscherIn im Umgang mit Forschungsdaten und wo kann ich diese finden? Was bedeuten für meine Forschungstätigkeiten die FAIR-Prinzipien? Diesen Fragen möchten wir in einem Workshop am 30. Januar 2020 in Göttingen gemeinsam mit Ihnen diskutieren.

CO-OPERAS  ist ein Netzwerk von Arbeitsgruppen, das im Rahmen der Forschungsinfrastruktur OPERAS – Open Access in the European Research Area through Scholarly Communication – etabliert wurde. Ziel von CO-OPERAS ist es, eine Brücke zwischen Forschungsdaten aus den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften und der European Open Science Cloud EOSC zu schlagen und ihr Management in den wissenschaftlichen Kommunikationsprozess zu integrieren.


