Conference: Migrating Images and Image Migration

Conference: Migrating Images and Image Migration

The conference explores the impact of historical film footage and photographs from Nazi atrocities on popular culture representations of the Holocaust, particularly on films, graphic novels, artworks, video games, and digital media.

Our memory of historical events, especially the Holocaust, is significantly shaped by films and other visual content. The conference explores the impact of historical film footage and photographs from Nazi atrocities on popular culture representations of the Holocaust, particularly on films, graphic novels, artworks, video games, and digital media. Artists, directors, creators, and producers from the local and international creative industries join scholars and researchers to discuss artistic methods of integrating, referencing, appropriating and curating liberation- and other Holocaust-related images and their effect on the memory of the Holocaust.







Video: Der Wiener Donaukanal als Ankunftszone und Ort von Konflikten, 1700–2021

Letzten Mai habe ich an der HHU Düsseldorf bei der Tagung "Fließende Räume. Der Fluss als Generator räumlicher Dynamiken" einen Vortrag über den Donaukanal gehalten, ein Mitschnitt davon (33 Minuten) ist nun online:

Passend dazu: Letzte Woche veröffentlichte das Wien Museum Magazin ein Interview mit dem Fotografen Matthias Cremer über den Donaukanal in den 1980er Jahren.

