Call for Papers: DHd 2020, Thema: Spielräume – Digital Humanities zwischen Modellierung und Interpretation

Die 7. Jahrestagung des Verbands „Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V.“ wird vom 02. bis 06. März 2020 an der Universität Paderborn unter dem Thema „Spielräume – Digital Humanities zwischen Modellierung und Interpretation“ stattfinden. Wir bitten um Einreichungen von Abstracts in den Kategorien „Vortrag“, „Panel“, „Poster“ und „Workshop“ via Conftool. Die Einreichungsfrist endet am 16. September 2019.




Call for Papers: Digital Methods and Research Data Management in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Workshop, 7-8 October 2019, Moscow

Call for Papers: Digital Methods and Research Data Management in the
Humanities and Social Sciences

Workshop, 7-8 October 2019, at the German Historical Institute in Moscow (DHI Moskau) organized by the Discuss Data project, the DHI Moskau and the Centre for Digital Humanities at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Deadline for Applications: 21 April 2019.

Digital methods and data are increasingly shaping research in the social sciences and the humanities. Research activity is evolving and increasingly incorporates digital tools and methods. As a result, the demands on the management of the digital data material and software tools used and created in the research process are also increasing. Researchers have to meet requirements for long-term archiving, transparency, open access, and re-use of data as well as for the protection of the privacy of respondents, intellectual property of data creators, and copyright restrictions. The diversity of methods and research questions in the humanities and social sciences renders “one-fits-all“ approaches impossible, but rather requires tailor-made solutions for research data management.




CfP: DH Budapest 2019: „Distant Rading“

The Centre for Digital Humanities at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE.DH) calls for abstracts for its second annual conference which will take place in Budapest, 25–27 September 2019 – in collaboration with the COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History project and the DARIAH Central European Hub. While last year the conference seeked to survey the current state of research in digital humanities in general, this year DH_Budapest_2019 will keep a narrower focus on theories and practices of distant reading.

The term distant reading (i.e. using computational methods of analysis for large collections of texts) is meant here in a general sense: regardless of genres and disciplines on the side of the used or built corpus, and regardless of computational methods adopted or developed during the research. We encourage speakers to present their work where innovative, sophisticated, data-driven, computational methods play a key role in a scientifically relevant research.

We invite submission of abstracts on subjects from a variety of fields related to digital humanities and social sciences concerning but not limited to the topics below:




Call for Papers – DHQ Special Issue on “Digital Humanities & Film Studies: Analyzing the Modalities of Moving Images”

Die DHd AG Film und Video und Organisatoren des Anfang Mai stattgefunden Workshops “Computer-based Approaches for the Analysis of Film Style” möchten Sie gerne auf den unten in der Folge zum Workshop entstandenen öffentlichen Call for Papers aufmerksam machen:

Call for Papers – DHQ Special Issue on “Digital Humanities & Film Studies: Analyzing the Modalities of Moving Images”

Guest editors: Manuel Burghardt, Adelheid Heftberger, Johannes Pause, Niels-Oliver Walkowski & Matthias Zeppelzauer

Ever since Roberto Busa’s well-known Index Thomisticus, the Digital Humanities have had a strong focus on textual material. One reason for the “blind spot” when it comes to analyzing moving images, is the complex nature of film, which entangles different modalities across sound, vision and language. Furthermore, rights issues and lack of availability of (proper) sources still remain a problem for the analysis of large data sets, although audiovisual material becomes gradually more available due to digitization of analog elements and born digital film production.

Nonetheless, a shift toward a greater visibility of film and media studies in the Digital Humanities can be noticed. The planned special issue for Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ) on “Digital Humanities & Film Studies: Analyzing the Modalities of Moving Images” aims to revisit existing quantitative approaches for film analysis and to discuss the possible application of computational methods in this domain. In addition, the special issue aims to contribute to the growing awareness in the field by providing both methodological research as well as presenting case studies of existing (albeit scattered) initiatives and research projects.




Workshop «Computational Methods in the Humanities» (COMHUM 2018)

Am 4. und 5. Juni 2018 veranstaltet die Sektion für Sprach- und Informationswissenschaft der Universität Lausanne (Schweiz) einen Workshop zum Thema «Computational Methods in the Humanities» (COMHUM2018). Das Ziel des Workshops ist es, die Forschung zu informatischen Ansätzen in den Geisteswissenschaften voranzubringen – insbesondere zu innovativen, methodisch expliziten Ansätzen – und den disziplinenübergreifenden Austausch anzuregen.

Die offizielle Sprache des Workshops ist Englisch, Beiträge können in englischer oder französischer Sprache eingereicht werden. Die Einreichungsfrist für Abstracts von 1–2 Seiten ist der 16. April 2018. Nähere Informationen finden sie auf der COMHUM-2018-Webseite sowie in der folgenden Ankündigung:

Call for Proposals




CfP „Challenges in archaeological and historical network analysis“

Call for presentations:
„Challenges in archaeological and historical network analysis“ – Organized session at the XXVIII Sunbelt Conference, June 26-July 1, 2018 at Utrecht University

Over the last decades, network analysis has made its way from a fringe theory to an established methodology in archaeological and historical research that goes beyond a purely metaphorical use of the network term. A substantial number of studies on different topics and periods have shown that network theories and methods can be fruitfully applied to selected bodies of historical and archaeological sources. Yet in many of these initial studies, important methodological concerns regarding the underlying sources, missing data, data standardization and representation of networks in space and time have not been adequately acknowledged and sometimes even completely neglected.

The session invites contributions from researchers applying methods of formal network analysis in archaeological or historical research. A special emphasis of the session will be on the unique challenges that arise in the domain-specific application of these research methods. We welcome submissions on any period, geographical area or topic.

One or more sessions at the 2018 International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) Sunbelt Conference will focus on archaeological and historical network analysis.




Call for Papers: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War

1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War is an English-language online reference work on World War I dedicated to publishing high quality peer-reviewed content. Each article in the encyclopedia is a self-contained publication and its author receives full recognition. All articles receive a distinct URL address as well as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and are fully citable as scholarly publications. 1914-1918-online is an open access publication, which means that all articles are freely available online, ensuring maximum worldwide dissemination of content.

The editors invite academics to contribute articles on a select number of topics not yet covered by our invitation-only editorial process. The Call for Papers will be automatically updated. Authors who are interested in submitting a paper on any of the subjects listed should submit a short CV with a publication list, as well as an abstract (max. 250 words) or a full-length paper.




Call for Papers: The French History of Mein Kampf, 1925–2016. Translation, Reception, Controversy [DHI Paris]

Deadline: 1 March 2017Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris

International Conference organized by the Centre de recherches historiques, équipe Histoire et historiographie de la Shoah (EHESS-CNRS), LabEx Tepsis, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, German Historical Institute Paris

23–24 November 2017, German Historical Institute Paris

Adolf Hitler’s book, written between 1924 and 1926, has received unprecedented media attention lately. Since it has been placed in the public domain on January 1st, 2016, seventy years after its author’s death, there has been a lot of controversy throughout Europe, fuelling reflections on the status to be accorded to a text that has often been mythicized. In Germany, the Institut für Zeitgeschichte (IfZ) has produced an impressive critical edition: The complete text (all known variants having been established) is now available in two bulky volumes with more than 3,500 footnotes and a thorough critical apparatus. Bringing out the text with such an added mass of historical research was a gamble; it seems to be paying off, even though it is still too soon to tell.
The German critical edition will probably provide the basis for coming editions in other languages. An edition project has just been launched in the Netherlands. In France, the announcement in October 2015 of a new edition of Mein Kampf stirred up a brief controversy, which ended in a relative consensus about the need to publish a scholarly edition in French.




On_Culture: CfA for Issue 3 [Special Issue]

The On_Culture Editorial Board would like to announce a special guest issue entitled “Law Undone: De-humanizing, Queering, and Dis-abling the Law – Further Arguments for Law’s Pluralities”, which will be edited by the guest editors Greta Olson (Giessen) and Sonja Schillings (Giessen). The third issue will be released in spring 2017.

(Download CfA: PDF)

Sociological and anthropological approaches to law and legal processes have long suggested that state-made law has to be understood as culturally produced and embedded and thus as but one form of normative ordering amongst others. Culturalist approaches to law such as Law and Narrative, Law and Semiotics, Law and Cultural Studies, and Law and Visual Culture have, similarly and more recently, argued that law neither belongs to an autonomous realm of activity nor transpires with exclusively rational means. Such approaches have also contributed to more subtle understandings of “culture” as neither monolithic, homogenous, nor static.

Posthumanist and queer critiques of law suggest, in turn, that humanism’s conceptualization of rational subjects needs to be rethought as the basis of legal orders. Distinctions between legal persons and non-persons, humans and non-humans rest on a post-Enlightenment project that has privileged the White, Western, Able-Bodied, and Propertied Man as origin and subject.


