The Bauhaus Bookshelf: A Gateway to Original Bauhaus Sources and Publications

The bauhaus bookshelf is a bilingual (German-English) online resource created by Andrea Riegel, a partner at the Düsseldorf-based communication design agency Riegel+Reichenthaler. Riegel also created  Design is fine. History is mine, a popular blog on design and art history. The bauhaus bookshelf, a labor of love launched in 2019, combines access to reproductions of original Bauhaus publications with a timeline, excerpts, photographs, and other contextual information. The download is for personal, non-commercial use only. While many events and publications in 2019 celebrate the Bauhaus centennial, the bauhaus bookshelf is the only comprehensive online gateway to original Bauhaus publications and sources.

Href interviewed Andrea Riegel, the virtual bookshelf’s creator and curator.

What inspired you to develop the bilingual bauhaus bookshelf?


