Quelle: https://href.hypotheses.org/3231
Protected: Hätte ich das mal eher gewusst … mit Joelle Weis
Quelle: https://href.hypotheses.org/3185
Hätte ich das mal eher gewusst … Mit Mario Kliewer
Quelle: https://href.hypotheses.org/3071
Hätte ich das mal eher gewusst … Was Historiker:innen und historisch arbeitende ihrem jüngeren Ich raten würden
Quelle: https://href.hypotheses.org/2956
Protected: Editorial Note
Quelle: https://href.hypotheses.org/3029
Women’s and Gender History in the Digital Age: The “Helene-Lange-Archiv” and its Potential for Historical Research and Education
Editorial note: Hannah Voß has finished her undergraduate degree in History and English and American Studies at the University of Münster and is currently in the last semester of completing her master’s degree in history. Her bachelor’s thesis focused on the role of “New German Dance” in the period of National Socialism in Germany. Her current research interests include the history of National Socialism and the Holocaust as well as the history of social movements, Gender, and Queer History. In her master’s thesis, Hannah will analyze the women’s and lesbian movement in Germany in the 1970s and 1980s. She has also been a part of the curating team of the 2022 historic exhibition “Queer Münster. Eine andere Geschichte der Stadt / A Different History of the City.”
Born in 1848, Helene Lange became one of the most important representatives of the moderate wing of the German women’s movement in the late 19th and early 20th century. She immersed herself in the fight for women’s rights and education and became known as the author of the Yellow Brochure (1887), in which she sharply criticized the state of girls’ education. In 1890, she founded the General German Association of Women Teachers (ADLV).
Quelle: https://href.hypotheses.org/2725
Reflections on the Process of Network Analysis Dataset Creation Using Line Content Classification with Python
By Simon Krahé
Editorial note: Simon Krahé is finishing his undergraduate studies in English and American Studies, History and Computer Science at the University of Wuppertal. He will use network analysis methods in his bachelor’s thesis. His research interests include digital humanities and digital history practices, especially the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods on large corpora of cultural heritage data.
Network analysis can be a valuable tool for digital history research: it can lead to new insights into social structures of historical actors and organizations and can also track developments with a diachronic approach, i.e. comparing data at different points in time. In the past months, I have been doing network analysis as part of a larger project at the GHI in Washington, DC, by Prof. Dr.
Quelle: https://href.hypotheses.org/2637
The U.S. in the (Digital) World: Working with the Foreign Relations of the United States Series in 2023
By Linus Lanfermann-Baumann
Editorial note: Having finished his undergraduate studies in History and English at Göttingen University, Linus Lanfermann-Baumann is in the final phase of his master’s degree in History at Heidelberg University. He also spent a virtual semester abroad at McMaster University and was a visiting graduate student at Yale University in 2022-23. His research on German migration to Canada during the Weimar Republic is forthcoming in the Oldenburger Jahrbuch, and his study of public memories of the Communist resistance against Nazism in Western Germany is forthcoming in the Jahrbuch für Historische Kommunismusforschung. His current interests include U.S. foreign relations during the Cold War and inter-American relations. Linus completed his internship at the GHI Washington in the summer of 2023.
The Foreign Relations of the United States series, prepared by the State Department’s Office of the Historian and commonly known under its abbreviation FRUS, is one of the longest-standing, most prolific, and most cited publication series of edited historical sources in the United States and around the world.
Quelle: https://href.hypotheses.org/2604
Protected: DRAFT: Navigating the Challenges of OCR-based Research in the Arabic Script and Language
Quelle: https://href.hypotheses.org/2516
Protected: Title
Quelle: https://href.hypotheses.org/2536