Online-Umfrage von SOAP zu Open Access und wissenschaftlichem Publizieren

Welchen Status Open Access (wie oft genutzt, welche Vor– und Nachteile, welche Vorurteile) im wissenschaftlichen Publizieren hat, möchte das EU-Projekts „Study of Open Access Publishing“ (SOAP) in einer Online-Umfrage herausfinden. Sie dauert 10 bis 15 Minuten. Wir bitten unsere Leser an dieser Umfrage teilzunehmen. Herzlichen Dank:

The SOAP Project, funded by the European Commission, would like to announce the release of an online survey to assess researchers’
experiences with open access publishing. This survey aims to inform the most comprehensive analysis of attitudes to open access publishing to
date and is seeking views from a wide a range of interested parties. It is primarily aimed at active researchers in public and private organizations, from all research fields in science and the humanities and focuses on publication of research articles in (open access) peer-reviewed journals.

