A Museum for Every School!


Whoever visits schools in Asia, soon knows the traditional procedure: First of all, there is the welcome reception at the large office of the director, and before attending any lessons in the classroom, a visit of the school museum takes place. There, students first explain the history of the school and then its present profile. Why do we have so little historical awareness in German-speaking countries when it comes to school matters?



School history and school museum as a great opportunity

It is beyond comprehension that schools in this country rarely take advantage of this great opportunity. Especially today, when schools are required to have their own profiles, history offers the opportunity to support the building of school identity: Where exactly did teaching take place at the school site 60 years ago and 30 years ago? What subjects appeared in the school timetable, and what did the textbooks look like?


Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/4-2016-8/a-museum-for-every-school/


Social Identity Through Public History


Public History promotes social identity. It is, simultaneously, an opportunity, a danger and a challenge. In particular, actors in Public History are required to take into consideration the need for identification as well as the necessity for reflected dissociation.



Anniversaries of national self-assertion

2015 is an anniversary year in Switzerland: In 1315, the Battle of Morgarten occurred. A force from Schwyz defeated the army of Habsburg knights under the command of Duke Leopold on the shores of Lake Ägeri. In 1415, the Swiss Confederates conquered the region of Aargau that was, at the time, still under Habsburg rule.


Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/3-2015-25/social-identity-through-public-history/
