Der Militärputsch in Argentinien 1976 – für die liberale Marktwirtschaft

Eine recht klare Aussage über die Ziele des Putsches, die Rolle der argentinischen Bourgeoisie und des anschließenden Prozesses der Nationalen Reorganisation macht der ehemalige argentinischen Militärmachthaber Gen. Jorge Rafael Videla:

“Our objective” in the March 24, 1976 coup that started the seven years of bloody military rule “was to discipline an anarchized society,” Videla explained to Reato. The generals wanted “to get away from a populist, demagogic vision; in relation to the economy, to go to a liberal market economy. We wanted to discipline unionism and crony capitalism.” Argentine business owners were directly involved in the killings, Videla added, although “they washed their hands” of the actual violence. “They said, ‘Do what you have to do,’ and later they would add some on. How many times they told me, ‘You’ve come up short, you should have killed a thousand more, 10,000 more’!”

Das Militärregime tötete 30.000 politische Aktivisten. (Entdinglichung hat das hier gefunden )

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