Call for Supporters: Computational Humanities Research (JCHR)

On behalf of Folgert Karsdorp (KNAW Meertens Institute) and Melvin Wevers (DHLab, KNAW Humanities Cluster).

Despite the growing use of computational methods in humanities research by an increasingly wide variety of scholars, many interdisciplinary scholars (including ourselves) still feel that there is no suitable research-oriented venue to present and/or publish robust, computational work that does not lose sight of questions relevant to the humanities. As such, we aim to fill this niche by creating a community for computational humanities researchers.

Ultimately, the goal of the computational humanities community is to set up a research-oriented computational humanities journal and conference. In the coming months, we will announce a workshop that is open to (short and long) full paper submissions. This workshop will serve as a stepping stone to a new, open-access journal of Computational Humanities Research.

We cordially invite you and other interested parties to join the conversation about future steps!




Call for Participation: Shared Task on the Analysis of Narrative Levels Through Annotation (SANTA)

1st Shared Task on the Analysis of Narrative Levels Through Annotation (SANTA)

Webseite | Mailingliste

We would like to invite you to participate in the 1st Shared Task on Narrative Level Annotation. It is an adaptation of the shared task-format established in the field of Computational Linguistics and Informatics to the field of Literary Studies. The goal of the first phase of this (two-phased) shared task is the collaborative creation of annotation guidelines, which in turn will serve as a basis for the second phase, an automatisation-oriented shared task. The (intended) audience for the first round of the shared task are researchers interested in the (manual) analysis of narrative, who then have influence over the target concept that computer scientists later aim at automatically finding.

During the first few months, the participants develop annotation guidelines on their own. We provide a development corpus (see below) that can be used to test guidelines internally. On June 15, the guidelines are to be submitted to us.




2nd EADH Day 2016 – Call for Participation


Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass vor der von der DFG als internationale Konferenz anerkannten und geförderten Tagung DHd 2016 „Modellierung – Vernetzung – Visualisierung. Die Digital Humanities als fächerübergreifendes Forschungsparadigma“ vom 07. bis 08. März 2016 der 2. EADH day stattfinden kann. Ziel der EADH days ist es ein Bewusstsein zu schaffen für DH Forschungsaktivitäten, die außerhalb des Kontextes, in dem die regionalen Konferenzen stattfinden, angesiedelt sind. Das Format der EADH days soll den Austausch und das Schaffen von Netzwerken unter den europäischen DH Forschungsgemeinschaften erleichtern. Wie aus dem im Folgenden aufgeführten Call for Participation hervorgeht, sind Vorschläge für „Lightning talks“ und „Challenges“ noch bis zum 31. Januar 2016 möglich.


