Network Topographic Visual Media

Network Topographic Visual Media

Teaser der Website: Netzwerk topografische Bildmedien, – Fachinformationsdienst Kunst

Topographic visual media are produced and used in a wide variety of fields, such as science, art, the military, administration, jurisdiction and tourism. The Network Topographic Visual Media aims to understand and examine the functions, applications, and interconnections of topographic representations. Thus, it provides a public platform for academic debate and exchange between research projects and approaches from different disciplines. In our workshops, current research projects are discussed.

Topographic visual media have been and continue to be produced and used in a wide variety of fields, such as science, art, the military, administration, jurisdiction and tourism. Accordingly, the field of investigation includes maps and sea charts, topographic sketches, diagrams and plans, the mapping of planets and seas, and virtual spaces in computer graphics as well as landscape paintings, drawings and prints. There are many overlaps between these visual media in terms of techniques and types of spatial representation.




DH-Call 2023 der DNB

auch dieses Jahr gibt es wieder den DH-Call der DNB, um Projekte aus Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur zu unterstützen.

Mit dabei sind auch dieses Jahr wieder die Möglichkeit sich für ein DH-Stipendium zu bewerben. Diese richten sich an junge Forscher*innen aller Fachgebiete, die mindestens über einen ersten wissenschaftlichen Abschluss und Erfahrungen mit der Analyse großer Datenbestände verfügen. In ihrem Rahmen können frei gewählte Fragestellungen mit den Katalogdaten der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek bearbeitet werden.



Indigenous Peoples, Public History and Social Museology in Colombia

This article presents a reflection on collaborative research processes developed with different indigenous peoples in Colombia.

The post Indigenous Peoples, Public History and Social Museology in Colombia appeared first on Public History Weekly.

