GG3D19 Workshop zu Graphendatenbanken, GIS und 3D-Modellen in der Bauforschung des Mittelalters

zu den Themen:

  • Interdisziplinäre Verbindung von Mediävistik und Informatik
  • Computergestützte Analyse von Burgen, Urkunden und Landkarten
  • Dokumentation basierend auf 3D-Modellen, QGIS und Neo4j
  • Neue Methoden für die digitale Bauforschung
  • Informationsgewinnung mit Personennetzwerken

Vorläufige Vortragende, Einreichung von Posterbeiträgen und Anmeldung bis zum 5. November 2019:

Die Konferenzsprache ist hauptsächlich Deutsch, einzelne Vorträge oder Poster können auch in Englisch präsentiert werden.




Call for Short Papers: Round Table „Visualizing Hypotheses: Practical Handling of Uncertainty in Digital 3D Models“ at CHNT 2019 (November 4-6, 2019)

The call for papers for the 24th conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 24), taking place on November 4-6, 2019 in Vienna, is open with extended deadline: July 10, 2019.

Short presentations of 10 minutes are welcome for the round table Visualizing Hypotheses: Practical Handling of Uncertainty in Digital 3D Models, which is organized by Christiane Clados (University of Marburg) and Heike Messemer (Universität Würzburg, Urban History 4D) as members of the working group “AG Digitale Rekonstruktion”.

The aim of this round table is to bring together scholars from different disciplines to discuss how hypotheses and uncertainties are visualized in scientific 3D reconstructions and how this can be handled in the future:

Digital 3D reconstructions of cultural artefacts, historical characters and architecture contribute to a better understanding of cultural heritage. In the broad user community, experts from various fields such as architecture, archaeology, art history, palaeontology, forensic anthropology, museology generate 3D reconstructions in order to gain insights into no longer existing evidence. Therefore, such reconstructions are a critical tool for the „translation“ of scientific data into visualizations, which make these accessible to the expert community and the general public.

However, due to knowledge gaps within the diverse set of underlying sources, uncertainties are part of nearly all digital models.




Neuerscheinung: „Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage II – How to Manage Data and Knowledge Related to Interpretative Digital 3D Reconstructions of Cultural Heritage”

via Sander Münster, Technische Universität Dresden

9783319476469Anliegen des Buches ist es, einen aktuellen Forschungsstand, Praktiken und innovative Ansätze im Bereich der digitalen, interpretativen 3D-Rekonstruktionen umfassend zu beleuchten:

„This book reflects a current state of the art and future perspectives of Digital Heritage focusing on not interpretative reconstruction and including as well as bridging practical and theoretical perspectives, strategies and approaches. Comprehensive key challenges are related to knowledge transfer and management as well as data handling within a interpretative digital reconstruction of Cultural Heritage including aspects of digital object creation, sustainability, accessibility, documentation, presentation, preservation and more general scientific compatibility. The three parts of the book provide an overview of a scope of usage scenarios, a current state of infrastructures as digital libraries, information repositories for an interpretative reconstruction of Cultural Heritage; highlight strategies, practices and principles currently used to ensure compatibility, reusability and sustainability of data objects and related knowledge within a 3D reconstruction work process on a day to day work basis; and show innovative concepts for the exchange, publishing and management of 3D objects and for inherit knowledge about data, workflows and semantic structures.”


