What’s in it for you? How the SSH Open Marketplace will be populated with content

This is the second in a series of posts we are publishing to keep you informed and involved in the development of the SSH Open Marketplace. We want to ensure that the service is useful for the community, and that we receive the feedback necessary to improve it. 

In our last post we provided an overview of the SSH Open Marketplace and development timeline, and we stressed why we need your participation in its creation. In this post, we focus on the main concern of a user entering any marketplace: Will I discover what I am looking for? And we pose an important question: What content do you want to see included in the SSH Open Marketplace?


What do we mean by content?

By content we do not refer exclusively to tools or web services, as is often the case, but also to data sets, tutorials, training materials, articles or even other types of material.


Quelle: https://dhd-blog.org/?p=13729&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=whats-in-it-for-you-how-the-ssh-open-marketplace-will-be-populated-with-content


Das „Bassenheimer Wappenbuch“ und das „Hofwappenbuch Herzog Ferdinands von Bayern 1544 – 1607“

In Gustav A. Seylers (1846-1935) süddeutschen Siebmacherbänden (Adel und Bürgerliche) findet man als Quellenangabe häufiger den Verweis auf das „Bassenheimer Wappenbuch“ und auf das „Hofwappenbuch“. Letzteres lässt sich relativ einfach identifizieren. Schließlich schreibt Seyler 1912 selbst im Bande 9 des Bürgerlichen Wappenbuches: In diesem Werke, namentlich in den Teilen III u. IV ist vielfach „des Herzogs Ferdinand von Bajern Hofwappenbuch“ als Quelle namhaft gemacht. Ich halte mich für verpflichtet,…

Quelle: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/5980


Leonardo Bezzola: Villa Silver Ghost Badoer (1983) – Denkokulare #1

This text describes a photomontage by Leonardo Bezzola of Palladio´s Villa Badoer and a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost. It identifies parts of its intellectual background, namely Warburg´s Bilderfahrzeuge-metaphor and Panofsky´s article about the ideological antecedents of the Rolls-Royce-radiator. Differences in … Weiterlesen

Quelle: http://iconology.hypotheses.org/936
