A Reflection on the Connection between Facebook and Anti-Refugee Violence in Germany

#Onlinehatecrime #Socialmedia #Migrants #refugees #Germany #attacksonmigrants

By Anosh Samuel

Editorial note: The author completed a virtual internship at the German Historical Institute in Washington, DC, in the fall/winter of 2021/22. Anosh Samuel hails from Islamabad, Pakistan and is currently studying for a Master in Roads to Democracies at the University of Siegen in Germany. He plans to work on a final Master’s Project about “Migration, integration and social media (case study of Pakistani students in Germany).” He’s keenly interested in international politics, policy and decision making, social media and migration, diplomacy and communication, research and analysis, and foreign policy. In his free time, he plays guitar, loves to read and write articles, watches historical documentaries, watches NEWS, and reads newspapers. He’s reachable at anosh_samuel [ at ] yahoo.com. 


Quelle: https://href.hypotheses.org/2090


Der »jüdische Kapitalist«: Anmerkungen zu Ursprung und Entwicklung eines antisemitischen Stereotyps im Frankreich der 1840er Jahre

[This article is part of the Open Peer Review-Publication series “Nineteenth-Century Anti-Semitism in International Perspective”]

von Oliver Schulz

Am 15. Oktober 1898 erschien in der dem Lager der Anti-Dreyfusards zuzurechnenden französischen Satirezeitschrift »Psst…!« eine antisemitische Karikatur des Zeichners Emmanuel Poiré alias Caran d’Ache, die einen französischen Bauern in den Mittelpunkt stellt und den Unterschied zwischen dem vorrevolutionären und dem industrialisierten Frankreich des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts thematisieren will. Unter der Überschrift »Pourquoi l’on a fait 1789« trägt ein pflügender Bauer im oberen Bildteil (»Avant«), der das Ancien Régime darstellt, einen Adeligen. Im unteren Bildteil (»Aujourd’hui«) trägt derselbe Bauer einen Offizier, einen Intellektuellen und in oberster Position einen deutlich übergewichtigen und Zigarre rauchenden Börsenspekulanten mit einer deutlich vorspringenden Hakennase.[1]

Dieses bereits voll ausgebildete Stereotyp verweist auf die konstitutive Rolle des 19.


Quelle: http://antisem19c.hypotheses.org/593


A “Ballfahrtsort”. Interview with the Director of the German Football Museum

From our “Wilde 13” section.


Seit einem guten Jahr gibt es ein nationales Fussballmuseum in Deutschland, einen “Ballfahrtsort”. In dieser neuen Institution der deutschen Public History verbindet sich vieles, was für unsere Gegenwart als symptomatisch gelten kann: die besondere und vielfältige Rolle des Fussballsports in einer von Massenmedien durchformatierten Gesellschaft, die deutsche Nationalgeschichte (was immer das auch sein mag) und ihre schillernden Versionen, ein neuartiges politisches Umfeld seit Pegida, AfD, Grexit- und Brexitsorgen und schließlich eine aussenpolitisch langjährig inszenierte “negative Identität” der Deutschen, die seit dem “Sommermärchen”, der Diskussion um das neue “Freiheits- und Einheitsdenkmal” und auch das Berliner Stadtschloss durch eine positive Narration zu ergänzen versucht wird. Damit sind die Rahmenbedingungen des Interviews abgesteckt, das ich als Geschichtsdidaktiker mit dem Direktor des Deutschen Fussballmuseums, Manuel Neukirchner, am 22. April 2016 in Dortmund führen konnte.





Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/4-2016-19/phi/


Good or bad remembrance? No Stolpersteine in Munich



No “Stolpersteine”? It has become a societal and political consensus to commemorate the Holocaust and the victims of the NS regime. However, the appropriate format is highly debated.[1] This is also the case in the debate about the Stolpersteine project in Munich. Nonetheless, there is a multifaceted remembrance culture in the capital of Bavaria.




Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/4-2016-7/good-remembrance-bad-remembrance-no-stolpersteine-in-munich/


Zwei „Wappenvögel“ aus dem Umfeld Maximilians I.

  1517 ließ Kaiser Maximilian I. durch Jakob Mennel eine fünf Bände umfassende Genealogie des Hauses Habsburg erstellen.[1] Ziel des aufwändigen Unternehmens war es, einen nach den zeitgenössischen Maßstäben wissenschaftlich fundierten Stammbaum zu publizieren, der das überlegene „Herkommen“ der Habsburger nachweisen sollte.[2] Die nach Dieter Mertens „eigene Geschichtskonzeption“, die Maximilans Selbstverständnis als römisch-deutscher Kaiser zugrunde lag, wird von einer doppelseitigen Abbildung im vierten Band des Geburtsspiegels eindrücklich illustriert. Zu…

Quelle: http://heraldica.hypotheses.org/4103


The crisis of a learning democracy in times of crisis



Times of crisis are productive times for the humanities. During the oil crisis in 1973, at the very latest, the western world’s certainty about the future began to fade and was gradually replaced by a sense of history that enabled the discipline of history didactics to develop. In a similar fashion, we should welcome the current global and European crises as opportunities to learn and to add historically based directional options to our rusty political thinking.



Migration forces democracy to learn

The substantial migration events of the past months and the coming years will alter standards of living in Germany and Europe. Naturally, those who emigrate permanently from Africa or Asia are obliged to develop an appropriate attitude towards the new, prevailing local values and legal systems and, if necessary, to learn about democracy.


Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/3-2015-37/crisis-learning-democracies-times-crisis/


Theory of History Knowledge: Poor.



Fifteen years after the publication of the PISA study, the time is ripe for drawing conclusions and enquiring into the character and distinctive features of the subsequent debate on the didactics of history. Some German educationalists, teachers, and curriculum planners have displayed an alarming lack of knowledge about the theory of history. The past forty years of discourse on the theory of history have not had any impact on them.




Obscuring Terminology and Idler’s Vocabulary

Numerous texts on the didactics of history are permeated with stylish jargon that has nothing to do with the established terminology of the theory of history.


Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/3-2015-24/theory-of-history-knowledge-poor/


Historicising role models, historical-political remembrance

Do you know the country’s memorial foundations for outstanding German statesmen [Politikergedenkstiftungen]? One of them or even all of them? Sometimes it is hard to imagine that the nationally funded German memorial landscape might include more than just …


Do you know the country’s memorial foundations for outstanding German statesmen [Politikergedenkstiftungen]? One of them or even all of them? Sometimes it is hard to imagine that the nationally funded German memorial landscape might include more than just memorials for National Socialism and GDR. But, then, there are also museums and memorials for the republic and democracy. Amongst those, memorial foundations for statesmen play a very special role. And very slowly, these foundations are becoming more and more meaningful for German public memory in the course of increasing professionalisation and popularisation.


Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/3-2015-20/historicising-role-models-historical-political-remembrance/


How We Talk About Our History

While the German President, Joachim Gauck, is giving Turkey unsolicited suggestions about how to deal with the Armenian genocide, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, in her speech on the 70th anniversary of the


While the German President, Joachim Gauck, is giving Turkey unsolicited suggestions about how to deal with the Armenian genocide,[1] the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, in her speech on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Dachau concentration camp excludes the remembrance of the Romani people and of the “antisocial” members of society persecuted and murdered during the Nazi regime by not mentioning these groups of victims.[2] This demonstrates that we, in Germany, need Gauck’s suggestions as much as Turkey does, and I accept them and use the term “seizure of power” (Machtergreifung) to think about how we talk about our history.


Language usage rules and horror

It seems to me, in my unsystematic, non-representative day-to-day perceptions, that language usage rules for the past are less controversial than those for the present, although every child knows that understanding the past defines the present. An example of how both the understanding of the past and its effects on the present can correspondingly change is provided by the introduction, in 1949, of the fundamental right to asylum in Germany as a consequence of the Holocaust, and its abolition, in 1992, two years after reunification[3] with the GDR. To be brief, I recently read a newspaper article in which the term “seizure of power”, without speech marks, was used in the same way[4] as it had been used up until about 30 years ago. I was appalled. A search with Google revealed that the term is still common usage.


Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/3-2015-19/how-we-talk-about-our-history/


Iconoclasm Backwards. A Lost Memorial Site

Following the irreparable destruction of the equestrian statue depicting Wilhelm I at the Deutsches Eck (German Corner) in Koblenz, a national flag, mounted on the abandoned torso, was located there from 1953 till 1993. …


Following the irreparable destruction of the equestrian statue depicting Wilhelm I at the Deutsches Eck (German Corner) in Koblenz, a national flag, mounted on the abandoned torso, was located there from 1953 till 1993. The memorial was a reminder of the German partition, which appeared to be temporarily insurmountable, at least in the contemporary opinion. The monument’s restoration after 1990 terminated its function as a memorial. Thus, the most prominent memorial site for Germany’s partition was lost. A scandal for Public History!



Quelle: http://public-history-weekly.oldenbourg-verlag.de/3-2015-18/iconoclasm-backwards-a-lost-memorial-site/
