HistorioGRAPHICS. Framing the Past in Comics

HistorioGRAPHICS. Framing the Past in Comics

This international conference sets out to critically assess the current state of research on graphic narrative as means of writing – and drawing – history and of examining, representing, and engaging with the past.

Screenshot conference website historioGRAPHICS [12.06.2023]

The comprehensive conference program promises to generate fruitful insights for the transdisciplinary discourses on comics as part of public and academic history. We aim to facilitate exchange among researchers, artists, and educators. In 22 panels on a range of topics, from Indigenous history and representations of the Holocaust to legal history, legacies of colonialism, and many more, the international line-up of scholars will discuss historioGRAPHICS from multiple disciplinary and professional perspectives.

We look forward to a keynote lecture by Prof.


Quelle: https://visual-history.de/2023/06/12/historiographics-framing-the-past-in-comics/


DGfS2024 workshop ‚Towards Linguistically Motivated Computational Models of Framing‘ (dgfs2024-framing)

Call for Abstracts

‚Towards Linguistically Motivated Computational Models of Framing‘

Date: Feb 28 – Mar 1, 2024
Location: Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Organizers: Annette Hautli-Janisz (University of Passau), Gabriella Lapesa (University of Stuttgart), Ines Rehbein (University of Mannheim)

Homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/dgfs2024-framing

Call for Papers:

Framing is a central notion in the study of language use to rhetorically package information strategically to achieve conversational goals (Entman, 1993) but also, more broadly, in the study of how we organize our experience (Goffman, 1974). In his seminal article, Entman (1993) defines framing as „to select some aspects of a perceived reality and make them more salient in a communicating text, in such a way as to promote problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment recommendation for the item described.“ This frame definition has recently been operationalized in NLP in terms of coarse-grained topic dimensions (Card et al.


Quelle: https://dhd-blog.org/?p=19489


CfP: Memes in der Popkultur. Plattformen, Prozesse, Praktiken

CfP: Memes in der Popkultur. Plattformen, Prozesse, Praktiken

Ob auf Foto- und Video-Plattformen, in privaten Chats oder Blogs: Memes sind im Internet überall und unvermeidlich. Sie haben sich als fester Bestandteil der unübersichtlichen „Bilderrepertoires der digitalen Kulturen“ (Gerling/Holschbach/Löffler 2018, 219) und unseres „kulturellen Lexikons“ (Journell/Clark 2019, 109) etabliert. Das Memen, d.h. (Bewegt-)Bilder aus ihrem ursprünglichen Kontext zu lösen und weiter zu verwerten, ist mittlerweile eine allgegenwärtige Praktik der zeitgenössischen Medienkultur und insbesondere der Popkultur. Memes sind nicht nur ein wichtiger Baustein kommunikativer Prozesse im Netz, wo sie mitunter kanalgerecht übertragen werden; häufig haben sie auch die Störung einer Kommunikation zum Ziel (Stichwort: Trolling). Dabei erweitert sich stetig das Repertoire memetischer Formen, d. h. Imitationen und Reproduktionen auditiver, visueller oder audiovisueller Fragmente aus bereits bestehenden (Medien-)Texten: von klassischen Meme-Genres wie Image Macros über GIFs bis hin zu Thumbnails, TikToks und Mash-ups. Internet-Memes sind in ihren unterschiedlichsten Ausformungen im digitalen Alltag angekommen, ob in persönlichen Chats, Social-Media-Threads, Onlinemagazinen oder Marketingkampagnen.


Quelle: https://visual-history.de/2023/06/08/cfp-memes-in-der-popkultur/


On The Relationship Between “European History” And “European Identity” Using The Example Of The “House of European History” (Brussels)

The paths of the positive integration narrative and the paths of critical history and cultural studies have constantly crossed, but there has long been a lack of an institutional structure, a place, a site where European history was put up for discussion for the public of citizens. This location has been a given since its opening to the public in 2017 with the “House of European History” in Brussels, an institution of the European Parliament.

Quelle: https://wolfgangschmale.eu/on-the-relationship-between-european-history-and-european-identity-using-the-example-of-the-house-of-european-history-brussels/
