Debate: Images & Archive

Debate: Images & Archive

The Images & Archives debate will bring together, on 30th July, at Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (NOVA FCSH) Lisboa, a group of researchers on the history and criticism of photography and cinema who work with historical images found in colonial archives. The particular condition of these images concerning their contexts and the processes of re-contextualization they are subjected to, the challenges put to the (re)construction of their history, as well as the specificity of images as a historical media are some of the topics under discussion.

Each participant will present a specific object, whether the films of the Timor Anthropology Mission, the photographs of bodies “medicalized” by the Anthropobiology Mission of Angola, or photographs of personal files, to reflect on the unique status of these images in their complex relationship with powers or with counter-powers, in a Visual Culture perspective.

The entrance is free.

The journey is organized by the historian Silvio Marcus de Souza Correa, Senior Visiting Professor abroad (CAPES fellow) from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, and by the Photo Impulse research project of ICNOVA.



CfP: After Post-Photography

CfP: After Post-Photography

Call for Papers: # 4 (37) 2019: After Post-Photography

Scientific e-journal. Issued since 2010



Why is it that as a theoretical concept indexicality is quite dead while at the same time it keeps being at the core of so many practices using and looking at photographs? Is it possible that the introduction of digital processes to photography was much less of a rupture than post-photographic discourses often assume? And could it be that photography from its very beginnings was much less about depicting realities but rather about creating them?




“Humans of Damascus” – The (Other) Art of Community (Building)

“Humans of Damascus” – The (Other) Art of Community (Building)

Cover Photo of “Humans of Damascus” on Facebook. Photo: Rania Kataf ©

With “Humans of Damascus”, I did not want to create a page on Facebook. I wanted to build a community. (Rania Kataf)


In his inspiring book “The Art of Community”, Charles H. Vogl goes through the principles of belonging: initiation, boundaries, symbols, rituals, stories, temple and inner rings. These seven time-tested principles for emerging and connected communities could be applied entirely or in part, even to groups not physically or geographically connected. In other words, to communities interacting between real and virtual world, like “Humans of Damascus”.




Book Review: Marwa Al-Sabouni, The Battle for Home

Book Review: Marwa Al-Sabouni, The Battle for Home

Cover: Marwa Al-Sabouni, The Battle for Home: Memoir of a Syrian Architect, London: Thames & Hudson 2017

We have seen our buildings demolished, our cities destroyed and our archaeological treasures vandalized. Those images have been on display so much that we rarely question why all this happened. In politics and history, when narratives are assembled, parties tell their own sides of the story. It is only through architecture that is no one’s particular and everyone’s in general. Buildings do not lie to us: they tell the truth without taking sides. Every little detail in an urban configuration is an honest register of a lived story. (p.10)





Lehrmedien der Kunstgeschichte / Media in the Teaching of Art History

Lehrmedien der Kunstgeschichte / Media in the Teaching of Art History


Die Geschichte des Fachs ist immanenter Bestandteil und Gegenstand kunsthistorischer Forschung. Seit den 1970er Jahren lässt sich zudem ein wachsendes Interesse an den spezifischen medialen Konfigurationen der Kunstgeschichte beobachten. Die Marburger Tagung will diese Bemühungen erstmals systematisieren, indem sie Ansätze für eine fundierte medientheoretische Ausrichtung des Forschungsfeldes „Geschichte der Kunstgeschichte“ formuliert.

Jenseits einer ausschließlichen Fokussierung auf das für die Kunstgeschichte so zentrale Problem des Bildes adressiert das Projekt insbesondere die Spezifik der Medienverbünde und ihres Einsatzes innerhalb der kunsthistorischen Lehre. Besonders die Aspekte des Multi-, Inter- und Transmedialen sollen hierbei problematisiert werden. Die internationale Konferenz visiert zunächst den Fachdiskurs an, fragt jedoch darüber hinaus aus philosophischer, archäologischer und medienwissenschaftlicher Perspektive nach den Rändern und Grenzen kunsthistorischer Vermittlungspraxis.




Picturing Violence: From Bosnia to Syria

Picturing Violence: From Bosnia to Syria

Andree Kaiser, Syria © by courtesy of Screenshot Website: Andree Kaiser „Syrien ein Land am Abgrund“

The camera protects me as a photographer. It creates a shelter between emotional situations and me. (Andree Kaiser)


Andree Kaiser (*1964) was trained as a photographer in Pankow, a district in East Berlin. He served a prison sentence in various detention centers of the State Security Service, commonly known as the Stasi, for his attempt to flee German Democratic Republic (DDR). Kaiser got out in 1986 as part of a prisoner release. He started his photojournalism career at Reuters in 1988 and afterward joined several agencies, which resulted in several assignments with travels to eastern European countries. Between 1991 and 1993 he conducted several reportages in Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia for Newsday (New York).




CFP: Studientage für Fotografie: Bewerbungen bis 15. April 2018

CFP: Studientage für Fotografie: Bewerbungen bis 15. April 2018

24 HRS in Photos © Erik Kessels mit freundlicher Genehmigung


(For the English version please see below)

Fotografie und Gesellschaft: Internationales interdisziplinäres Forschungskolloquium für Promovierende und Post-Docs

Zeit: 17.07.2018 13:00 h – 21.07.2018 14:00 h
Ort: Tagungsraum des Deutschen Dokumentationszentrum für Kunstgeschichte – Bildarchiv Foto Marburg (DDK), Kunstgebäude, Biegenstraße 11, 35037 Marburg

Weitere Informationen
Die veränderten technischen Dispositionen und andauernden Erweiterungen der Verbreitungsmöglichkeiten des Mediums haben zu einer Situation geführt, die als »Allgegenwart« der Fotografie bezeichnet wird: Jeder kann immer und überall Fotografien aufnehmen, bearbeiten und verteilen, sie de- und rekontextualisieren und auch bewerten. Weil die Praxis und die digitale Verbreitung von Bildern immer einfacher werden, scheinen die Beziehungen von Fotografie und Gesellschaft offenkundiger denn je.




CFP: Arrival Cities: Migrating Artists and New Metropolitan Topographies

CFP: Arrival Cities: Migrating Artists and New Metropolitan Topographies


Focusing on the intersections of exile, artistic practice and urban space, this international conference will bring together researchers committed to revising the historiography of ‘modern’ art. Part of the ERC research project Relocating Modernism: Global Metropolises, Modern Art and Exile (METROMOD), it will address metropolitan areas that were settled by migrant artists in the first half of the 20th century. These so-called “arrival cities” (Doug Saunders, 2011), were hubs of artistic activities and transcultural contact zones where ideas circulated, collaborations emerged and concepts developed. Taking cities as a starting point, this conference will explore how urban topographies and artistic landscapes were modified by exiled artists re-establishing their practices in metropolises across the world. It will address questions such as: How did the migration of artists to different urban spaces impact their work and the historiography of art? How did the urban environments in which the artists moved and worked affect professional negotiations as well as cultural and linguistic exchange?


While papers addressing METROMOD’s six focus cities—Bombay (now Mumbai) Buenos Aires, Istanbul, London, New York and Shanghai—are welcome, we also encourage contributions that expand the project’s geographical reach and explore diverse urbanities.




CFP: Visual History of Education

CFP: Visual History of Education

Picture Archives and the Emergence of Visual History of Education

ISCHE Pre-conference workshop,  August 28, 2018
Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung (DIPF), Warschauer Str. 34-38, 10243 Berlin



Call for Proposal

One of the characteristic features of modern life is the omnipresence of images – in public life as well as in the private surroundings. At latest with coining the term “Visual history” at the beginning of the nineteen nineties historical disciplines are dealing with this ever growing pool of pictorial sources. This is also true for educational history – especially when keeping in mind that the use of images in an educational context is common practice since early modern ages.


