Die Stimme des Herrn
Ort des Abschieds, Ort der Kontrolle
Die Bezeichnung “Tränenpalast”, einst dem Berliner Volksmund entsprungen, stand für emotionale Trennungen an der ehemaligen Grenze von West nach Ost. In einer Sonderausgabe der Reihe MONTAGSRADIO “Vor Ort” sprechen Markus Heidmeier und Jochen Termann in der heutigen Gedenkstätte mit Mike Lukasch von der Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland über die Erinnerung an Grenzen und Abschiede und die Konzeption der Ausstellung.
Im Tränenpalast nahmen Menschen voneinander Abschied, durchschritten die Kontrollen bei der Ausreise nach West-Berlin und begaben sich in das Labyrinth der Gänge – unter der strengen Überwachung der Grenzbeamten. Diese Erfahrungen machten ihn zu einem besonders emotionalen Ort der deutschen Teilung im kollektiven Gedächtnis.
Eröffnet wurde die Ausstellung im September 2011 von der Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Sie zeigt persönliche Schicksale und zugleich den politisch-historischen Rahmen: die Teilung Deutschlands und Berlins. Zum Teil ist die Architektur des Orts erhalten, die Original-Abfertigungsschalter machen noch heute etwas von der beklemmenden Atmosphäre des Grenzortes spürbar.
Und hier die Timeline zu dem Gespräch
01:35 Der Tränenpalast als Ausreiseort
03:26 Entwurf als Einreisegebäude
05:19 Ort der Kontrolle
06:09 Ablauf der Kontrollen
06:59 kalkulierter Orientierungsverlust
09:25 Konzept der Ausstellung
11:46 Alltag der deutschen Teilung
13:39 Quellen der Alltagsgeschichten
15:26 Schmuggel
17:43 Zeugnisse von Grenzern
19:56 Ausbildung der Grenzer
21:22 Bedeutung von Zeitzeugen
23:04 Besucherreaktion auf den Tränenpalast
24:25 der Tränenpalast nach 1989
28:08 50 Jahre Tränenpalast
30.28 Montagsradio Fragebogen
Quelle: http://www.montagsradio.de/2012/06/18/ort-des-abschieds-ort-der-kontrolle/
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: Perth, Western Australia 25-28th March 2013
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
Perth, Western Australia 25-28th March 2013
Call for Sessions, Roundtables and Workshops Proposals
Across Space and Time
The CAA2013 PERTH conference ‘Across Space and Time‘ will be held at the University of Western Australia Club from Monday 25 – Thursday 28 March 2013. Workshops will be held on Monday 25 March on campus.
CAA (Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) is the premier international conference for all aspects of computing, quantitative methods and digital applications in Archaeology. With a history going back to 1972, CAA encourages participation from scholars, specialists and experts in the fields of archaeology, history, cultural heritage, digital scholarship, GIS, mathematics, semantic web, informatics and members of other disciplines that complement and extend the interests of CAA.
For further information about this exciting interdisciplinary conference see the website http://caa2013.org
Call for sessions
The CAA 2013 Conference Chairs invite proposals for sessions relating to all aspects of computer applications to stimulate discussion and future progress in the application of digital technologies to archaeology and various aspects of cultural heritage.
Sessions, Roundtables and Workshops proposals are now being invited and are due 20 June 2012.
The main themes of the conference are likely to include the following, but may be modified or extended according to the session proposals we receive:
1. Field and laboratory data recording
2. Data modelling, management and integration
3. Linked data and the semantic web
4. Data analysis and visualisation
5. 3D modelling, visualisation and simulations
6. Spatio-temporal modelling, GIS and remote sensing
7. Users and interfaces: education, museums and multimedia
8. Theoretical issues, and the relation of CAA with the Digital Humanities
9. Digital Cities, cultural heritage interpretation and modelling the past.
The CAA 2013 Conference organisers invite proposers to read the session guidelines and make their submission accordingly.
Paper sessions – 90 minutes:
An explicit aim of the CAA2013 program is to promote networking, knowledge sharing and discussion. In order to do so, there will be a new type of session, called Focus Sessions(see below), which session organisers and presenters are encouraged to consider. Sessions chairs can indicate at this stage if they would like to adopt the Long paper session format, the Focus session format, or a combination of the two. They may wish to approach potentially interested participants as to whether they want to contribute to the developing a proposal.
§ Long paper sessions:
A session of related 20 minute papers. This is an opportunity to present new and ground-breaking research in a conventional presentation and power point format. There will be questions after each session; however, the time limit for the paper needs to be strictly adhered to.
§ Focus sessions:
A session consisting of approximately ten thematically related 5 minute key-point presentations, an optional discussion to pull the theme together, followed by a room-based break organised around posters or demonstrations presenting additional information.
We encourage session organisers to think outside the box and consider whether the Focus Sessions would present better networking and learning opportunities rather than traditional Long Paper Sessions.
Roundtables – 90 minutes:
Roundtables to address a specific topic or issue comprising of up to 10 speakers coordinated by one or more individuals. Papers may be short or long presentations at the discretion of the coordinator(s) but would normally include at least 30 minutes for general discussion from the floor.
Workshops – 90 minutes:
We are also inviting submissions for pre-conference workshops to be held on Monday 25 March. Workshops on applied research are welcome. Workshops will normally last 2 – 3 hours and should be scheduled to finish by mid-afternoon in time for the first plenary session of the Conference. Please include some practical work or other active participation of attendees, rather than an extended lecture. In proposing workshops, please indicate any technical facilities required for example, a computer lab or wireless network and whether participants should bring own laptops. Also please indicate the maximum number of participants and any prior knowledge or skills required.
Key Dates
20 June 2012 | Sessions, Roundtables and Workshops deadline |
09 July 2012 | Proposers informed about the status of their proposal |
13 July 2012 | Accepted proposals will be posted on the CAA2013 Conference webpage |
How to Submit
We look forward to receiving your Proposal. Please submit your proposal via the CAA Open Conference System at:
If you do not have a login, please create one at the ACCOUNT tab and select CAA2013. Make sure you check AUTHOR at the bottom of the registration form (if you do not select AUTHOR you will not be able to submit your proposal).
If you had previously logged in the CAA Open Conference System (OCS) for the CAA 2012 Southampton conference, you can log with the same user name and password. Should you have log in problems, use the ‘Forgot your password?’ link on the LOG IN tab to recover your user name and a new password.
If you have any technical problems in uploading your submission please send an email to submissions@caa2013.org .
We look forward to seeing your Proposal and seeing you in Perth in 2013.
The Co-Chairs
CAA2013 Perth
Across Space and Time
Contact email: info@caa2013.org
Dr Arianna TravigliaMacquarie University T +61 (0) 2 9850 8889 E arianna.traviglia@mq.edu.au |
Dr Felicity Morel-EdnieBrownThe University of Western AustraliaDepartment of the Premier and CabinetWestern Australia
M +61 (0) 423 843 639 |
Quelle: http://dhd-blog.org/?p=644
Interview mit Arlette Farge
[via Foucault News]
Interview mit Arlette Farge
[via Foucault News]
Lexikon zur Computergeschichte: 8087, 8089
Naheliegende Assoziationen oder warum denken viele Menschen bei „blau“ auch an „Himmel“?
Quelle: http://games.hypotheses.org/254