Software Sustainability within Research Infrastructures – EURISE Workshop

Following the common workshop on “Software Sustainability: Quality and Re-Use” in 2017, the collaborating infrastructures CESSDA, CLARIN and DARIAH have established the European Research Infrastructure Software Engineers‘ Network (EURISE Network). The Network organised its follow-up workshop on “Software Sustainability within Research Infrastructures” on 12-13 March 2019 in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

The event provided a platform for sharing experiences and knowledge gathered from working in three infrastructures delivering services to the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Presentations given by all of the infrastructures showcased the various individual approaches and challenges. Although the different consortia architectures have led to distinct developments, an unsurprising number of similarities remain. The most common one, in a practical sense, was the ongoing and often neglected need to focus on training and knowledge building.

The workshop  also brought into focus the implications of software as research output. Related issues addressed were that of software publication, preservation, reusability and reproducibility.




Virtueller Workshop zu Continuous Integration und Delivery

Der erste Virtuelle Workshop der DHTech-Gruppe, wird sich am 15. Januar um 16 Uhr mit Continuous Integration und Continuous Delivery beschäftigen.

Die DHTech-Gruppe wurde auf der DH 2017 in Montreal gegründet. Zu den Zielen gehören die Unterstützung der Entwicklung und Nachnutzung von Software in den Digital Humanities im Rahmen einer internationalen Community, die den Austausch von Wissen, Expertise und Erfahrung förden und Zusammenarbeit bei Digital Humanities Softwareprojekten fördern soll. Jede in die Entwicklung und Wartung von Digital Humanities Tools und Services involvierte ist zur Mitarbeit eingeladen.

Im ersten virtuellen Workshop wird es am 15. Januar um 16 Uhr deutscher Zeit um Continuous Integration und Continuous Delivery am Beispiel von Gitlab CI für Django-Projekte gehen.




DARIAH-DE Repository gestartet

Presseinformation der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen vom 06.12.2017

Unterstützung für das Management von Forschungsdaten in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften

Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler können ab sofort ihre Forschungsdaten dauerhaft, nachnutzbar und referenzierbar im DARIAH-DE Repository speichern. Im Rahmen von Forschungsprojekten anfallende Daten können dort von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern verwaltet und selbstverantwortlich veröffentlicht werden. Das DARIAH-DE Repository baut dabei auf die langjährig erprobte Technologie und Erfahrungen des TextGrid Repositorys auf, unterstützt allerdings sämtliche Datenformate. Darüber hinaus wird das Einspielen von Forschungsdaten mit einem vereinfachten Publikationsprozess über eine Webanwendung ermöglicht.

Daten im DARIAH-DE Repository werden als Open Access unter freien Lizenzen veröffentlicht.




Workshop „Software Sustainability: Quality and Re-usability“

As part of ongoing efforts to align technology across the three Pan-European infrastructures for the Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities, representatives from Cessda, CLARIN, and DARIAH held a workshop on “Software Sustainability: Quality and Re-usability”, previously announced here, in Berlin on October 9/10th.

With participants from Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Norway and The Netherlands representing developers, users, service operators and IT managers, the talks and discussions covered a wide range of topics related to software sustainability. Speakers presented work already accomplished as part of the tasks the infrastructures have undertaken in their efforts to become operational. Among these are the DARIAH-NL Software Quality Guidelines and the Cessda Software Maturity Model, which both define evaluation criteria for software products. Their approaches differ, in that the former focuses on explicit implementation guidelines, while the latter, modelled on NASA’s Reuse Readiness Levels, describes a generalised framework for evaluating a given software product. While criteria are also an important part of the DARIAH-DE Service Life Cycle, its focus is on describing processes and necessary considerations when taking software from initial design through development and testing to production use.

The overall problems these approaches try to address are similar to the challenges the software industry is facing: training, quality management, and dealing with an ever-growing technical debt are challenges that need to be addressed and re-evaluated on a constant basis.




Umfrage Forschungssoftware Deutschland

Du entwickelst Software in Forschung und Wissenschaft, oder bist anderweitig in die wissenschaftliche Softwareentwicklung eingebunden?

Dann würden wir uns freuen, wenn Du an folgender Umfrage teilnimmst:

Derzeit gibt es kaum zuverlässige Informationen über die Gemeinschaft der Software entwickelnden Personen in Forschung und Wissenschaft. Die Umfrage soll dabei helfen, Einblicke in und Informationen über diese Gemeinschaft zu gewinnen, um mit diesen Ergebnissen Förderorganisationen und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen bei der Entwicklung von Strategien und Förderprogrammen sowie von Leit- und Richtlinien zu unterstützen.




Workshop-Ankündigung: Software Sustainability

Workshop „Software Sustainability: Quality and Re-usability“
Berlin Centre Marc Bloch, October 9/10th 2017

Sustainability of its software and services is one of the core technological challenges research infrastructures – not only in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences – are facing.

Various efforts are being undertaken to address different aspects of the overall problem. This workshops brings together leading experts from the digital research infrastructures CESSDA,
CLARIN and DARIAH in an effort to engage with the wider community. Its purpose is to discuss whether it is possible to combine existing approaches into a set of guides and handbooks to enable developers to ensure software quality from the start and collaboratively with infrastructure providers to create a service that is than usable by end users.

As part of the ESFRI process, the field of digital research infrastructures is being advanced through individual projects. These have worked on Software Maturity Models (CESSDA) and a Service Life Cycle (DARIAH) and created general Software Quality Guidelines (CLARIAH), informing the basis of all development efforts and processes. During the workshop, we will be introduced to these concepts and the problems they address. On the second day, we will spread into group sessions to discuss possible connections between them as well as the missing links.

The workshop is open to anyone interested in software quality and sustainability.


